Upcoming Free CE
Learn more at dovelewis.org
Balint Rounds
Navigating Our Relationships With Clients
January 20th | 7-8pm PST Virtual: Zoom Meeting
Led by DoveLewis’ Chief Medical Officer Shana O’Marra, DVM, DACVECC, and Jillian Romm, RN, LCSW, Credentialed Balint Leader
Taking the time to understand your relationships with clients. Whether they are a long-term client or a new client in crisis, these meetings explore how to better understand provider-client communications and our experiences with each other. Using the Balint method, we are given a forum to reflect on the provider-client-patient relationship and gain new perceptions of our relationship with clients during difficult or demanding situations. All veterinary professionals with a client relationship are welcome.
In-clinic Education
CPR Staff Training
Virtual: Zoom Meeting
Led by DoveLewis’ Critical Care Specialist Ladan Mohammad-Zadeh, DVM, DACVECC
We’ll bring the training to you with a one hour, virtual CPR presentation. All positions within a clinic are encouraged to attend this virtual lecture. Ladan Mohammad-Zadeh, DVM, DACVECC, walks viewers through the basics of RECOVER CPR and covers instruction for all team members working together. This training is approved for 1 RACE CE credit, and is not a substitute for RECOVER Rescuer certification.
Enter your email address below to be contacted about upcoming CPR training availability.